The Silk Route is a very prominent part of world history, and one of the stop locations on this route is Bukhara, Uzbekistan. It is also a centre for Islamic culture, it has multiple active and in-active mosques. Uzbekistan tourism is working very hard to promote tourism in Bukhara by introducing bullet trains and tours. It is famous in recent years for it’s Bazaars, Madrassas and the food. The entire city is made of historical buildings, forts and stone roads. I, fortunately had the chance to explore Bukhara multiple times. I lived in Uzbekistan for four years of my life, I had the opportunity to travel to smaller cities in Uzbekistan like Samarkant and Bukhara. No matter where I went, I always found myself comparing the beauty of Bukhara to everything. The city was home to the Emirate of Bukhara, Khanate of Bukhara, and Samanid Empire. The roads were made of stone, every building has a historic significance and all one could see were forts. The Uzbek people are extremely engrossed in their culture. From their food to their clothes, everything is extremely beautiful. Considering the fact that Bukhara has become a tourist spot, they have a fashion show every night in one of the forts. Tourists can enjoy the Uzbek fashion show with The Ark of Bukhara is the biggest fort in Bukhara, the fort is mostly empty from the inside beside from some shops and some tombs. Every road here has a story and there is a certain area in the fort where there are all the tombs, while no one can see the real tomb because they are underground, we can see the top and read the stories of the people who used to rule the area a few centuries ago. Bukhara is also a centre for Islamic culture, they have many active and inactive mosques. People can enter the mosques that are inactive and see the structures that were made by rulers of Bukhara. There are multiple geomatrically placed pillars inside the mosques, and there are beautiful wall They also have shops called “Bazor” under domes and inside the forts. People can buy authentic Uzbek clothes and other wooden toys from there. There are so many stories that are hidden behind these walls and behind the stone roads. People of Bukhara are very welcoming, they are very happy to tell the stories of Bukhara to the tourists and invite you to their house to have authentic Uzbek green tea and Bread. The stories of people staying here and the people before them is often left unheard and I feel grateful that I got ot visit Bukhara multiple times, and I heard these
authentic Uzbek food. (picture of me at the Uzbek fashion show) The fashion show has small stalls for shopping.
sculptures everywhere. Mosques that are active, can only be visited by Muslim people who go and pray there.
unheard stories because they are indeed very beautiful and adds to the beauty of Bukhara.
20 Apr 2023
Ikshaa Dhodi