Such a sight had never been witnessed before by these eyes of mine. Endless white beaches and gigantic cliffs adorned the place I stood from one side. At the same time, majestic temples embellished the other. I stood still, gazing at the setting sun turning the sky orange, the sea a shade of liquid silver, and contemplating how beautiful a surrounding can be.

This was Krabi, the first leg of a weeklong trip to Thailand that my family and I embarked on. Since all of us had been busy in a hectic manner over the past few months in our own work, this break was something that the four of us felt we deserved. A time to relax and to be enjoyed together as a family.

Our journey got off to a rocky start when the boat that was supposed to drop us off at the shore of the island on which our resort was located instead left us 500 m away from it. As a result, we either had the choice to dip our shoes in the water and ruin them or walk barefoot on a seabed covered in sharp stones. Once that part was over, however, heaven awaited us.

The resort provided us with a fantastic view of the ocean, where we could view mesmerising views of the sea and experience an ambience that was filled with nothing but peace. Waves crashing across the limestone cliffs, trees waving through the cool breeze, and fellow tourists using different instruments to produce soothing music, one couldn’t help but close their eyes and get lost in a feeling of ecstasy.

The place was no stranger to fun and lively activities. Everything from rock climbing to hiking and river rafting was available for people who wanted to get their adventurous spirits out into the open. For the people not so enthusiastic about such activities, nothing is better than taking a walk along the pier and observing all the other islands around, especially one where various movies had been shot, including a James Bond movie starring Sean Connery. Different temples devoted to the local deities and surrounded with paintings and murals were located at the bottom of some of the cliffs. They could be explored only in the afternoon when some of the water receded.

The food is something that is a different experience in itself. Grown and prepared by the locals, it contained everything from other types of fruits to freshly caught seafood like crabs, lobsters, etc. Though I experimented with many different things, I didn’t even try to get near to the crocodile being roasted on a live grill.

Though much time has passed, the memories of that trip continue to stay in this mind of mine. Whenever stress envelops me, I try to remember the happiness and calm I felt during those days. When the day comes wherein I would have made something of myself, I hope to return to the same spot to reminisce, reflect and be grateful for everything that life has to offer.

20 Apr 2023
Ashmit Kumar