When people still consider sex a taboo, bollywood steps in to create awarness.With the second largest population in the world, India still considers sex a taboo. Authorities find it hard to implement a strict sex education curriculum for children, and teachers find it hard to teach children about sex. This is when kids are left in the hands of the internet, prone to learn things that are not necessarily true, and can prove to be harmful to them as well as the people they are involved with.

The only way to break the taboo is to start talking about it. While NGOs have tried to talk about it in the past, there has not been much success. This is because according to the popular perception, sex is something that should happen behind close doors and one should never talk about it.

Bad Days

When it comes to sex education, India has seen its bad days. In 2014, India’s health minister announced that he wants a sex education ban and instead yoga should be made mandatory. There were times that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) threatened violence against teachers who provided sex education. There was a sex education ban in many Indian states till 2018 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi rolled out a sex education programme.

Sex education also includes personal sexual hygiene. Periods are still a taboo in India and people are given pads in polythene bags till date to “hide” that they menstruate. 

Media Steps In

With the governments having failed to provide the requisite sex education, the media, including Bollywood, has tried to step in on several occasions. Films have been made to educate the public about what sex means and how one can be safe while practicing sex.

One of the most popular films was Padman, sharing the message of menstrual hygiene to the general public. Released in 2018, it focuses on the real-life story of Arunachalam Muruganantham, who created cheap pads and sold them to women who could not afford the expensive pads that were sold in the market.

With his real-life contribution making a huge difference, this film popularised his story and his motto to the people. To date, many women in India end up using unhygienic clothes during their menstrual cycles, which can lead to serious diseases.

Another film that was released in 2022, Janhit Mein Jaari, was about how condoms prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs. While not a huge hit, it aimed to emphasise on the need for condom-use and safe sex.

While the authorities have taken some steps to educate the public about sex, there is also a notion that kids should be taught about abstinence, rather than actually telling them how to practice safe sex.

With the government’s role in sex education left wanting, we are left with the question – is it the responsibility of only the film industry to spread awareness about sex, or is it high-time for the government to assume responsibility and provide much-needed sex education?

Image Source- Wikimedia Commons

27 Oct 2022
Ikshaa Dhodi